Ever feel like Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants?
Yeah, sometimes our dreams we had hoped would come true - didn't and we don't see them coming true any time soon. We may have done all sorts of training for a particular field or maybe had our hopes set on a particular life partner or how our homes would be as parents... then reality hits and it's nothing like what we dreamed.
Sometimes our dreams don't come true for many reasons - it could be a lifestyle of sin holding you back, it could be it's not God's will, it could be the wrong training, wrong choices, whatever the reason, we need to not dwell on lost dreams but focus on the future whatever it is that God holds for us.
This is where the rubber meets the road - trusting God in ALL things, especially when it involves our dreams. Sometimes dreams need to die, sometimes they're just delayed, whatever the situation, we need to pray to God with all our prayers and petitions as Philippians 4:6 (NIV) says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Hard to not be anxious when it's our dreams on the line huh?
But here's the thing, when our dreams match up to God's then we will get the desires of our hearts.
Easy to say, not easy to do right? I know from personal experience. Pray without ceasing and see what God won't do for you! To keep asking is not wrong either, look at the scenario Jesus presented about the woman who pestered the human judge until he relents and heard her case in Luke 18:1 - 8. Look at verse 6 - 8, 6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” So here we see it's not wrong to keep asking, as long as our motives are pure.
Dreams are tough to lose, tougher sometimes to keep alive. Whatever area you're in, look to God for your dreams.
Personal BLOG for Pastor Andrew J. Robertson. Retreats and Recreation Coordinator at Fair Havens Ministries and Chaplain at Simcoe Manor in Beeton. Former Announcer for Life 100.3, and Ask The Pastor host. If you would like me to speak at your church or event, contact me at andrew@lifeonline.fm. Leave a question for Pastor Andrew at pastorajrobertson@gmail.com.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015
The Bible knew it first, nothing new under the sun...
In Hollywood we're seeing more and more reboots and sequels and so on...
From Star Wars to Batman to Spiderman to James Bond to Terminator to Dr Who, Godzilla, and Power Rangers we're seeing that Hollywood seems to be running out of ideas. But this is nothing new. The Bible said it first thousands of years ago...

Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
It seems creativity stopped a long time ago. Makes sense because the true source of creativity - God - was rejected by mankind long ago. So this is why we seem to be getting movies that are rehashing a lot of material that was old.
One day, God has promised everything will be made new, we see this in Revelation 21. It won't be recycled, everything will be brand new. Can't wait for that day can you?
From Star Wars to Batman to Spiderman to James Bond to Terminator to Dr Who, Godzilla, and Power Rangers we're seeing that Hollywood seems to be running out of ideas. But this is nothing new. The Bible said it first thousands of years ago...
Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
It seems creativity stopped a long time ago. Makes sense because the true source of creativity - God - was rejected by mankind long ago. So this is why we seem to be getting movies that are rehashing a lot of material that was old.
One day, God has promised everything will be made new, we see this in Revelation 21. It won't be recycled, everything will be brand new. Can't wait for that day can you?
Saturday, July 04, 2015
How to scare your pastor in 5 easy steps
Okay a little tongue in cheek here, but humour me on this...
How to scare your pastor in 5 easy steps...
1) Tell him, "This is how we ALWAYS do this..." This phrase puts fear into a pastor's heart more than most others. It's not that I hate all traditions, but some need to fade away. To hear that phrase to a pastor means there could be a resistance to change whether it is music or the carpet or expansion or even the service order. Hopefully not, but you never know...
2) No pastor's office. Okay not that an office is a deal breaker, but if your church can't give your pastor a church office to work from and do counselling in, then what does that tell him and anyone he tries to minister to?
3) Expect them to take a financial loss to come to your glorious charge! This is something I can't grasp. It's okay for a pastor to take a financial hit to come serve at the church, maybe sell a home for less than what he paid for it in the beginning just so that he can serve? Then when he doesn't do that be told he doesn't have enough faith? I disagree. We have to be financially responsible to provide for our families too.
4) You cannot have any outside income - you're our pastor, it'd take time away from us! Wow. Most won't say that to a pastor's face, but they expect it. There are a lot of underpaid pastors out there. Some have to take a part time job to supplement their ministry. Then when they do, the people get their noses out of joint thinking the pastor doesn't have enough faith. No. They don't have enough money for their family. Solution? Pay the pastor more or allow them to have that second income without harping on them.
5) Expect them to do everything. I once had a church jokingly say that to me in a potential position when I asked what they would like me to do. They laughed, but I could tell there was a line of truth to it... Oh... everything... Some churches put all their hopes on the pastor - preaching (given), to worship (somewhat expected to have input here right?), to programmes, outreach, visitation, and the list goes on and on... This is a sure fire way to burn out a pastor - expect them to really do everything and when they don't criticize them.
To any potential churches out there looking for pastors, be careful of these items when looking for a pastor. Don't wait to give the fine print of your church until they're already there and serving - that can cause resentment. Just some food for thought. Do what you will with it...
In Christ,
Pastor Andrew Robertson
How to scare your pastor in 5 easy steps...
1) Tell him, "This is how we ALWAYS do this..." This phrase puts fear into a pastor's heart more than most others. It's not that I hate all traditions, but some need to fade away. To hear that phrase to a pastor means there could be a resistance to change whether it is music or the carpet or expansion or even the service order. Hopefully not, but you never know...
2) No pastor's office. Okay not that an office is a deal breaker, but if your church can't give your pastor a church office to work from and do counselling in, then what does that tell him and anyone he tries to minister to?
3) Expect them to take a financial loss to come to your glorious charge! This is something I can't grasp. It's okay for a pastor to take a financial hit to come serve at the church, maybe sell a home for less than what he paid for it in the beginning just so that he can serve? Then when he doesn't do that be told he doesn't have enough faith? I disagree. We have to be financially responsible to provide for our families too.
4) You cannot have any outside income - you're our pastor, it'd take time away from us! Wow. Most won't say that to a pastor's face, but they expect it. There are a lot of underpaid pastors out there. Some have to take a part time job to supplement their ministry. Then when they do, the people get their noses out of joint thinking the pastor doesn't have enough faith. No. They don't have enough money for their family. Solution? Pay the pastor more or allow them to have that second income without harping on them.
5) Expect them to do everything. I once had a church jokingly say that to me in a potential position when I asked what they would like me to do. They laughed, but I could tell there was a line of truth to it... Oh... everything... Some churches put all their hopes on the pastor - preaching (given), to worship (somewhat expected to have input here right?), to programmes, outreach, visitation, and the list goes on and on... This is a sure fire way to burn out a pastor - expect them to really do everything and when they don't criticize them.
To any potential churches out there looking for pastors, be careful of these items when looking for a pastor. Don't wait to give the fine print of your church until they're already there and serving - that can cause resentment. Just some food for thought. Do what you will with it...
In Christ,
Pastor Andrew Robertson
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