This past week my wife and I celebrated 14 years together! Hard to believe it's been 14 years already. Where did the time go? Seems like yesterday we were saying our vows and then celebrated getting married by each of us taking turns at being sick. Yeah, some kind of bacterial parasite from the rehearsal party that waited at least until the day after our wedding to show up. I got it first for a week (good thing we didn't go away anywhere but celebrated our condo that we got with my parents help), Tanya got it the week afterwards. Happy honeymoon right?
So here we are 14 years later, 2 great boys in Seth and Gabe, and we're still making things work out for work and more. For anyone who is not married, don't be deceived, marriage is work. It's a commitment. It's a covenant not to be entered lightly. Yes we love each other, but for those couples who start out and they say "We never fight!" - just wait, it'll come. The key is when you do fight - fight fair. Don't keep a record of wrongs and bring them up over and over, because that's not love - just look at 1 Corinthians 13 for that.
So to celebrate our 14th we went to Fair Havens Bible Centre in Beaverton and had a great time. It was relaxing. The programming hadn't started yet which was actually fine for us, we just needed some time away. We had the kids and it was fun.
So recap - yes, I love my wife Tanya still after 14 years, and still dedicated to her. Am I perfect? Just ask her... :) Have we got this marraige thing all figured out yet? No, but we are working on it together.
God bless!
Glad you still love your wife...! Marriage definitely takes two, and two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9)