Friday, September 06, 2013

Daily Devotions Highlights - Hebrews 1

I'm doing something different for my BLOG, I'm using it for Daily Devotions weekly highlights. I just started the book of Hebrews, and today was Hebrews 1. In that passage it talks about Jesus being the EXACT representation of God's glory. That He is above the angels and described as God who will rule the nations with a scepter of justice. That His name is above the names of angels, and his place is at the right side of the Father, the position of power in that culture. To be seated at the right side was deemed to be the seat of power and authority, the opposite of what's wrong - giving equal honour and authority to the one in the middle. So Jesus being described as sitting at the right hand of God the Father meant He was equal to God in every way in power and authority. It's quite a description. 

Another thing to notice about the passage is OUR position - we are ministered to by the angels, to be served by them because we inherit salvation through Jesus! 

This could easily feed our egos, but it shouldn't. It should really help us to realize how fortunate we are. Other passages of scripture talk about how we as believers will some day judge angels! Wow. Heavy stuff right? 

So what does this mean to me - to us - today? Realize who Jesus is - what His position is, that He is God Almighty! He has the authority to rule. realize our positions - we are only where we are in the spiritual rankings above the angels because of what Jesus did for us. We ought not to take a high thought of ourselves, but in humility realize where we are and be gracious and humble. 

Humble does not mean doormat, but it does mean we consider others better than ourselves - looking out for their needs. I will be posting these devotional highlights weekly. So next week will cover Hebrews 2 - 8. Be prepared! God bless!

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