Personal BLOG for Pastor Andrew J. Robertson. Retreats and Recreation Coordinator at Fair Havens Ministries and Chaplain at Simcoe Manor in Beeton. Former Announcer for Life 100.3, and Ask The Pastor host. If you would like me to speak at your church or event, contact me at Leave a question for Pastor Andrew at
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Mom is still here, and New Years
Quick update. Mom is still here. For how much longer we don't know. I would ask for prayers as the prognosis isn't good. We need a miracle from God for her now. When I think of mom and everything else in life, it's times like these that puts things in perspective. Take New year's for example.
So much hoopla about a new year and making resolutions. I keep reminding myself about what the Bible says about making oaths/vows/resolutions in Matthew 5:33 - 37, 33 “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ 34 But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.
So it's clear, don't make all those New year's resolutions and promises that we know we won ever keep. Instead, let our "yes be yes and our no... no." Yes and No. Not well... maybe... kinda... sorta... possibly... might be... etc. Just yes or no. "Yes - I will lose that weight I have put on or no I won't." "Yes i will stop biting nails or I won't." "Yes I will... or no I won't."
Push ourselves some sure to challenge ourselves, but don't make unrealistic expectations or promises that we know we cannot keep.
In relating this to what's going on with mom, "Yes, I will be there to help." "Yes, we will be there to help and encourage and pray." Those are two promises I/we make as a family. We can keep those.
I hope for everyone out there that 2016 will be a good year, that in spite of any situation you go through that you will know God's presence with you as you journey through it - in good times and the bad.
God bless.
Monday, December 21, 2015
When Christmas is tough...
When Christmas is tough...

We got the diagnosis a couple of weeks right after Thanksgiving. We've seen the changes such as her memory (short term) being affected and her balance, heard lots of doctors' reports. Mom has had surgery for one tumor, while the other one starts to be treated in January because it is inoperable.
We will be having Christmas at mom and dad's on Boxing day as usual, but this year dad has ordered in the turkey and trimmings while my wife and my brother's wife are bringing salads and the like. We are still looking forward to Christmas because it is celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the celebration is a little different though with our circumstances.
My dad has been a great example through this loving and serving my mom - his wife - using strength that is, in his words, "not his." We have had talks about things as father and son - some that are still obviously private and for family. What I want to say through this is that we are praying continually for mom and dad through this, and how we can help through this as well. People without hope, and without Jesus... I don't know how they manage in times like these. We as a complete family - my parents, my brother and family, my family, and my sister and family - are relying on God for our strength because we know in times like these our strength is insufficient. It is in Christ's strength alone we place our trust and that we know we can weather this storm. I love you mom and dad both, and this BLOG is for you, and for God. It has been tough to write about this, but God has given me strength to do it.
That's all I can share right now. I just wanted to share this much to try and encourage others who might be going through a hard time this Christmas, that there is a hope beyond our pain - it is Jesus - and He came some 2000 + years ago in a manger, born of a virgin. "Born to die, that man might live..." is what the song "Ring the Bells" from Word of Life Bible Institute's musical of the same name says. And it's true. Yes, we celebrate that Jesus came, and then at Easter we remember His death, burial and most importantly His resurrection from the dead so that we can live in Him. And yes, one day all sickness and pain and sorrow and death itself will cease. He will return and set things right. Until that day, though, His grace is sufficient to get us through the storms of life such as what we are encountering with my mom right now. Praise the Lord for... our Lord! May the peace that transcends all understanding be with you all both now and forever, A-men.
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Just 17 days until...
Just 17 days until...
No not Christmas, that's 24 days... (but I'll get back to that)
Think about it, we have the BEST message in the world and yet sometimes we so afraid to share it that people might think it was the Fort Knox of secrets! But it's no secret who Jesus is.
We're about to celebrate His birth very soon...
If we have the BEST new ever, then why hide it? Let it leak! Let it flow! Share it now on Facebook and your Twitter feed! Go tell it On The Mountain!
So the best countdown? Is just 24 days away... when we celebrate Jesus' birth, then a few months from now we remember His death, burial, and the best part, His resurrection from the dead so that we could be called His children!Saved from our sins, saved from eternal separation from Him, and in a new position of eternal glory with Him! Now THAT's awesome!
No not Christmas, that's 24 days... (but I'll get back to that)
Yes, time once again for the sci-fi geek in me to get all excited like everyone else on the planet for the release of this highly anticipated movie! It puts to rest, "What ever would have happened after Return of the Jedi?"
The biggest secret however is Luke Skywalker...
he has not been seen in any previews, posters, and only heard in the very first tease where he says that famous line about his family. Other than that it has been a tightly guarded secret.
It got me thinking though. Is this how we treat the message of the Gospel? as a tightly guarded secret? If people looked at the previews of our lives would Jesus be there?
Think about it, we have the BEST message in the world and yet sometimes we so afraid to share it that people might think it was the Fort Knox of secrets! But it's no secret who Jesus is.
We're about to celebrate His birth very soon...
If we have the BEST new ever, then why hide it? Let it leak! Let it flow! Share it now on Facebook and your Twitter feed! Go tell it On The Mountain!
So the best countdown? Is just 24 days away... when we celebrate Jesus' birth, then a few months from now we remember His death, burial, and the best part, His resurrection from the dead so that we could be called His children!Saved from our sins, saved from eternal separation from Him, and in a new position of eternal glory with Him! Now THAT's awesome!
Friday, November 13, 2015
How much Christmas decorating is too much?
It's the season for Christmas decorating right? We see the lights coming out, the wreaths, the trees, garland, etc. How much is too much?
Here are some examples of decorating...
Some are nice, some are overdone? Are some too simplistic? I really like the lit nativity in the middle on the top. It's not overdone, but still lit up so you can see it. I lived in West Hill from the age of 12 - the time I got married (except for one year when I lived in the US going to Word of Life Bible Institute at the Schroon Lake, NY campus), and a few streets away from where we lived there was a guy who supported the electric company with his decorations and lights. he had a donation bin when people came by which is cool, but it literally looked something like this...
You could see the glow of his house blocks away. I'm sure it could be seen from space. Was it too much? I personally think so. I definitely would NOT want his electric bill! I have seen so many homes over the years from family and friends and more with all different types of decorating. I think there needs to be a balance for sure. Our outdoor lights at home are simple...
Then we add some rope lights or icicle lights, some red ribbon and garland. Inside we have a Nativity set, Christmas Tree, some garland with shiny red balls and red ribbon, a few small Christmas decorations, nothing overbearing. I think we have a good middle ground. Some may think it's too much, others may think "That's it?" But to each his/her own.
The point of it all is are we celebrating Christmas? Are we celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ or are we trapped by the commercialism and focusing on Santa and Rudolph and Frosty? Those things are fun sure, but they're not the focus. If we leave Christ out of Christmas, then we miss the point.
Here are some examples of decorating...
Some are nice, some are overdone? Are some too simplistic? I really like the lit nativity in the middle on the top. It's not overdone, but still lit up so you can see it. I lived in West Hill from the age of 12 - the time I got married (except for one year when I lived in the US going to Word of Life Bible Institute at the Schroon Lake, NY campus), and a few streets away from where we lived there was a guy who supported the electric company with his decorations and lights. he had a donation bin when people came by which is cool, but it literally looked something like this...
You could see the glow of his house blocks away. I'm sure it could be seen from space. Was it too much? I personally think so. I definitely would NOT want his electric bill! I have seen so many homes over the years from family and friends and more with all different types of decorating. I think there needs to be a balance for sure. Our outdoor lights at home are simple...
Then we add some rope lights or icicle lights, some red ribbon and garland. Inside we have a Nativity set, Christmas Tree, some garland with shiny red balls and red ribbon, a few small Christmas decorations, nothing overbearing. I think we have a good middle ground. Some may think it's too much, others may think "That's it?" But to each his/her own.
The point of it all is are we celebrating Christmas? Are we celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ or are we trapped by the commercialism and focusing on Santa and Rudolph and Frosty? Those things are fun sure, but they're not the focus. If we leave Christ out of Christmas, then we miss the point.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Thanks Jays for the memories!
Thank you Toronto Blue Jays for the memories of the 2015 season. It was close. But in the end we were denied the Big Game of the World Series. I remember the 1992 and 1993 World Series. I was in a friend's home for the 1992 series, and I was out with friends for the 1993 series. To make it so close and then not go is sad for sure. But they gave it a good run. This does mean promising things for next year as they have had the taste only to lose it and so will want it so desperately next year... hopefully.
In any event, it was fun. It stirred my interest in baseball that hasn't been there for a long time. Thanks to my home town boys, the Toronto Blue Jays! 2015 American League East Champions! All the best for next year guys!
There's still the Argos!
We won't talk about the Leafs right now...
In any event, it was fun. It stirred my interest in baseball that hasn't been there for a long time. Thanks to my home town boys, the Toronto Blue Jays! 2015 American League East Champions! All the best for next year guys!
There's still the Argos!
We won't talk about the Leafs right now...
Tuesday, October 06, 2015
Is there a Feast mentioned in the bible specifically about Thanksgiving? Well, there was the Festival of Harvest in Exodus 23:16(NIV) 16 “Celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field. “Celebrate the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field. Certainly sounds like our modern Thanksgiving doesn't it? Then there's Psalm 100:4(NIV)4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. So we're to give thanks always for what God has given us, and especially for things like the harvest. So for anyone who says to celebrate Thanksgiving, there's no command to do so in the Bible? That's not true.
For my family and myself we get together to celebrate the day, we haven't seen each other in a while and so it is a great opportunity to catch up, give thanks to God, and of course, have turkey and stuffing!
Happy Thanksgiving!
For my family and myself we get together to celebrate the day, we haven't seen each other in a while and so it is a great opportunity to catch up, give thanks to God, and of course, have turkey and stuffing!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Christians and Sci-Fi redone...
A few years back I posted this about Christians and Sci-Fi...
"People who know me know I'm a sci-fi guy. Often Christians don't go into the sci-fi realm because of different reasons and then announce that any believer who does like it and watch it is not strong in their faith "obviously." Really? The original Star Trek had Biblical references, on in particular I remember seeing was when they found a planet that was into sun worshiping. At the end of the episode it was Lieutenant Uhara that said, "not the sun, the Son of God!" It was an acknowledgement of God. Firefly had a Shepherd (pastor) as part of the crew, Babylon 5 recognized Christianity. Stargate had a character say, "There's only one God ma'am, and He don't look like that!" There are Christian sci-fi writers out there and I have a book of Christian sci-fi shorts. I keep waiting for a huge sci-fi on the level of a Star Wars of something to appear at the Christian bookstores, maybe even a Christian sci-fi movie... maybe some day.
Christianity and sci-fi can exist. Worried about aliens? Think they don't work with the Bible? Two thoughts on that - 1) Maybe there are aliens out there that we are not permitted to contact because we are fallen and they are not? 2) Firefly is the only sci-fi out there that doesn't use aliens, and a main character is a Shepherd/Pastor! Shiny! It is a series that has other themes that are not kid friendly so it's not a family sci-fi. Maybe someday we'll get something like Firefly that IS family friendly. The universe God made is so vast that it hold secrets we may never know until we get to heaven. "
I still agree with what I said then. Since then we've had The Avengers movie with Captain America saying, "There's only one God ma'am, and I'm sure he doesn't dress like that!" People try and say Left Behind falls into sci-fi, but not really. There were no lasers, not space ships, no laser swords, no visiting other worlds, no aliens, etc.
Now am I saying we need nonsense like this (see below)?
No. That's silly and irreverant to our Lord. What am I asking for? How about more of what CS Lewis did with his sci-fi trilogy?
Now, for whatever reason, Christian publishers shy away from good sci-fi, the superhero realm, but they have started publishing the fantasy market more. But why no sci-fi or the superhero realms? The Bible has superheroes as we would call them - Samson and his divine strength, there was a prophet who was so fast he ran on water, teleporation, Jesus flew, angels with swords of fire, healings, and so much more.
Those all sound like elements from good sci-fi and superhero stories - not that I'm saying the Bible is just a good story! Let's clarify that! All I'm saying is if that's what God can do in the Bible, then why do we shy away from stories in sci-fi, superheroes etc that depict similar things?
I long for the day when a Star Wars like movie is Christian based. We get movies that are Christian that are more than a War Room or God's Not Dead variety. I like those movies without a doubt, but how about something to reach the sci-fi and superhero guy in me and so many others? Look at the movies in the last number of years and they are dominated by things like The Avengers, Batman V Superman is next year, Star Wars is set to come back to the theatres in December, Star Trek is working on its next movie, Dr Who is going strong and has had showings in the theatres, and so on...
Maybe someone will have the nerve to make CS Lewis' trilogy into a movie run? I'm not holding my breath, but who knows?
Monday, August 31, 2015
Back to school...
Yes, it's that time of year, thinking about back to school, knowing it's happening for my kids and many others in a week's time...
Yes, that yearly tradition to make sure our kids are educated and will hopefully become the nest doctor, lawyer, pastor, teacher, computer tech, trades person, etc. This time of year the kids have mixed reactions - they want to go back to school but it's to see friends, not necessarily for the work. Some are bored so they do want the work. Parents are anxious because they've had their kids for 2 months, and now are giving them back to school. Some parents are first timers sending their kids off to school. Some home school so not a huge transition except a change in routine. All involved have some level of anxiety.
How to cope? Take it to the Lord in prayer. I know sounds like a cliche, but remember what God said in Phillipians 4:6, 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
So yes, in times like this the best thing to do is to hit your knees and pray to God for wisdom for yourself and your kids, pray that God would protect them daily and that they would make wise choices. Pray that as a parent your fears would be alleviated, knowing your kids are in God's hands. Pray for the teachers and staff at your kids' school, that if they aren't a believer that they might become one, and that they would instruct in a way that honours God.
Some people see school as free baby sitting for parents. Not so. As one who has been an educator in the system, this is the furthest thing from the truth. It's all in how it is approached. It should be a partnership with the parents, how involved you are as a parent will show up in how your child does at school. As Christian parents we should never just hand the kids over and let life go on. Invest in the school. Be on the school council, write notes to your kids' teachers. And did I mention pray?
Have a great school year, God bless! It starts Tuesday Sept 8th!
Yes, that yearly tradition to make sure our kids are educated and will hopefully become the nest doctor, lawyer, pastor, teacher, computer tech, trades person, etc. This time of year the kids have mixed reactions - they want to go back to school but it's to see friends, not necessarily for the work. Some are bored so they do want the work. Parents are anxious because they've had their kids for 2 months, and now are giving them back to school. Some parents are first timers sending their kids off to school. Some home school so not a huge transition except a change in routine. All involved have some level of anxiety.
How to cope? Take it to the Lord in prayer. I know sounds like a cliche, but remember what God said in Phillipians 4:6, 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
So yes, in times like this the best thing to do is to hit your knees and pray to God for wisdom for yourself and your kids, pray that God would protect them daily and that they would make wise choices. Pray that as a parent your fears would be alleviated, knowing your kids are in God's hands. Pray for the teachers and staff at your kids' school, that if they aren't a believer that they might become one, and that they would instruct in a way that honours God.
Some people see school as free baby sitting for parents. Not so. As one who has been an educator in the system, this is the furthest thing from the truth. It's all in how it is approached. It should be a partnership with the parents, how involved you are as a parent will show up in how your child does at school. As Christian parents we should never just hand the kids over and let life go on. Invest in the school. Be on the school council, write notes to your kids' teachers. And did I mention pray?
Have a great school year, God bless! It starts Tuesday Sept 8th!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Tree Top Trekking lessons
Okay, today there was Steve Jones, Todd Gale, Tim Maassarany, Pip Lucas, Cody Marshall, Terry Molinaro, Maria Lopez, Tim Van Dyk, and myself doing Tree Top Trekking at Horseshoe Valley Resort.
What was it like? See below...
Yep, hot tub! Soothed my aches and pains!
What was it like? See below...
Well it was fun, scary at times, exhausting, and challenging to every muscle in my body! It was a team building day for LIFE staff and there were fun times and times of "Shhh! Don't talk to me!" as we concentrated on the task at hand. We came back all tired and feeling the effects!
How did I handle the physical effects?
Yep, hot tub! Soothed my aches and pains!
Now on a serious note this team building day is important because as Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. At LIFE we're a team, as Christians we need each other to get through the tough times of life and spur each other on.
Sometimes the road is tough, sometimes we're on a wire way up high all by ourselves and need a friend. A fellow believer can do this for us. Of course God is with us, but having the support of a Christian friend is always helpful too. We have a song that we play on LIFE called "We're In This Together" by Rapture Ruckus reminding us how we need each other.
At the end sometimes we do need rest... like our hot tub, other times we need to completely withdraw and rest up like Jesus did, and pray.
A great reminder today from LIFE about the importance of each other, pushing ourselves to be better than we are, and trusting God to get us through!
Saturday, July 18, 2015
When dreams die...
Ever feel like Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants?
Yeah, sometimes our dreams we had hoped would come true - didn't and we don't see them coming true any time soon. We may have done all sorts of training for a particular field or maybe had our hopes set on a particular life partner or how our homes would be as parents... then reality hits and it's nothing like what we dreamed.
Sometimes our dreams don't come true for many reasons - it could be a lifestyle of sin holding you back, it could be it's not God's will, it could be the wrong training, wrong choices, whatever the reason, we need to not dwell on lost dreams but focus on the future whatever it is that God holds for us.
This is where the rubber meets the road - trusting God in ALL things, especially when it involves our dreams. Sometimes dreams need to die, sometimes they're just delayed, whatever the situation, we need to pray to God with all our prayers and petitions as Philippians 4:6 (NIV) says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Hard to not be anxious when it's our dreams on the line huh?
But here's the thing, when our dreams match up to God's then we will get the desires of our hearts.
Easy to say, not easy to do right? I know from personal experience. Pray without ceasing and see what God won't do for you! To keep asking is not wrong either, look at the scenario Jesus presented about the woman who pestered the human judge until he relents and heard her case in Luke 18:1 - 8. Look at verse 6 - 8, 6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” So here we see it's not wrong to keep asking, as long as our motives are pure.
Dreams are tough to lose, tougher sometimes to keep alive. Whatever area you're in, look to God for your dreams.
Yeah, sometimes our dreams we had hoped would come true - didn't and we don't see them coming true any time soon. We may have done all sorts of training for a particular field or maybe had our hopes set on a particular life partner or how our homes would be as parents... then reality hits and it's nothing like what we dreamed.
Sometimes our dreams don't come true for many reasons - it could be a lifestyle of sin holding you back, it could be it's not God's will, it could be the wrong training, wrong choices, whatever the reason, we need to not dwell on lost dreams but focus on the future whatever it is that God holds for us.
This is where the rubber meets the road - trusting God in ALL things, especially when it involves our dreams. Sometimes dreams need to die, sometimes they're just delayed, whatever the situation, we need to pray to God with all our prayers and petitions as Philippians 4:6 (NIV) says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Hard to not be anxious when it's our dreams on the line huh?
But here's the thing, when our dreams match up to God's then we will get the desires of our hearts.
Easy to say, not easy to do right? I know from personal experience. Pray without ceasing and see what God won't do for you! To keep asking is not wrong either, look at the scenario Jesus presented about the woman who pestered the human judge until he relents and heard her case in Luke 18:1 - 8. Look at verse 6 - 8, 6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” So here we see it's not wrong to keep asking, as long as our motives are pure.
Dreams are tough to lose, tougher sometimes to keep alive. Whatever area you're in, look to God for your dreams.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
The Bible knew it first, nothing new under the sun...
In Hollywood we're seeing more and more reboots and sequels and so on...
From Star Wars to Batman to Spiderman to James Bond to Terminator to Dr Who, Godzilla, and Power Rangers we're seeing that Hollywood seems to be running out of ideas. But this is nothing new. The Bible said it first thousands of years ago...

Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
It seems creativity stopped a long time ago. Makes sense because the true source of creativity - God - was rejected by mankind long ago. So this is why we seem to be getting movies that are rehashing a lot of material that was old.
One day, God has promised everything will be made new, we see this in Revelation 21. It won't be recycled, everything will be brand new. Can't wait for that day can you?
From Star Wars to Batman to Spiderman to James Bond to Terminator to Dr Who, Godzilla, and Power Rangers we're seeing that Hollywood seems to be running out of ideas. But this is nothing new. The Bible said it first thousands of years ago...
Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
It seems creativity stopped a long time ago. Makes sense because the true source of creativity - God - was rejected by mankind long ago. So this is why we seem to be getting movies that are rehashing a lot of material that was old.
One day, God has promised everything will be made new, we see this in Revelation 21. It won't be recycled, everything will be brand new. Can't wait for that day can you?
Saturday, July 04, 2015
How to scare your pastor in 5 easy steps
Okay a little tongue in cheek here, but humour me on this...
How to scare your pastor in 5 easy steps...
1) Tell him, "This is how we ALWAYS do this..." This phrase puts fear into a pastor's heart more than most others. It's not that I hate all traditions, but some need to fade away. To hear that phrase to a pastor means there could be a resistance to change whether it is music or the carpet or expansion or even the service order. Hopefully not, but you never know...
2) No pastor's office. Okay not that an office is a deal breaker, but if your church can't give your pastor a church office to work from and do counselling in, then what does that tell him and anyone he tries to minister to?
3) Expect them to take a financial loss to come to your glorious charge! This is something I can't grasp. It's okay for a pastor to take a financial hit to come serve at the church, maybe sell a home for less than what he paid for it in the beginning just so that he can serve? Then when he doesn't do that be told he doesn't have enough faith? I disagree. We have to be financially responsible to provide for our families too.
4) You cannot have any outside income - you're our pastor, it'd take time away from us! Wow. Most won't say that to a pastor's face, but they expect it. There are a lot of underpaid pastors out there. Some have to take a part time job to supplement their ministry. Then when they do, the people get their noses out of joint thinking the pastor doesn't have enough faith. No. They don't have enough money for their family. Solution? Pay the pastor more or allow them to have that second income without harping on them.
5) Expect them to do everything. I once had a church jokingly say that to me in a potential position when I asked what they would like me to do. They laughed, but I could tell there was a line of truth to it... Oh... everything... Some churches put all their hopes on the pastor - preaching (given), to worship (somewhat expected to have input here right?), to programmes, outreach, visitation, and the list goes on and on... This is a sure fire way to burn out a pastor - expect them to really do everything and when they don't criticize them.
To any potential churches out there looking for pastors, be careful of these items when looking for a pastor. Don't wait to give the fine print of your church until they're already there and serving - that can cause resentment. Just some food for thought. Do what you will with it...
In Christ,
Pastor Andrew Robertson
How to scare your pastor in 5 easy steps...
1) Tell him, "This is how we ALWAYS do this..." This phrase puts fear into a pastor's heart more than most others. It's not that I hate all traditions, but some need to fade away. To hear that phrase to a pastor means there could be a resistance to change whether it is music or the carpet or expansion or even the service order. Hopefully not, but you never know...
2) No pastor's office. Okay not that an office is a deal breaker, but if your church can't give your pastor a church office to work from and do counselling in, then what does that tell him and anyone he tries to minister to?
3) Expect them to take a financial loss to come to your glorious charge! This is something I can't grasp. It's okay for a pastor to take a financial hit to come serve at the church, maybe sell a home for less than what he paid for it in the beginning just so that he can serve? Then when he doesn't do that be told he doesn't have enough faith? I disagree. We have to be financially responsible to provide for our families too.
4) You cannot have any outside income - you're our pastor, it'd take time away from us! Wow. Most won't say that to a pastor's face, but they expect it. There are a lot of underpaid pastors out there. Some have to take a part time job to supplement their ministry. Then when they do, the people get their noses out of joint thinking the pastor doesn't have enough faith. No. They don't have enough money for their family. Solution? Pay the pastor more or allow them to have that second income without harping on them.
5) Expect them to do everything. I once had a church jokingly say that to me in a potential position when I asked what they would like me to do. They laughed, but I could tell there was a line of truth to it... Oh... everything... Some churches put all their hopes on the pastor - preaching (given), to worship (somewhat expected to have input here right?), to programmes, outreach, visitation, and the list goes on and on... This is a sure fire way to burn out a pastor - expect them to really do everything and when they don't criticize them.
To any potential churches out there looking for pastors, be careful of these items when looking for a pastor. Don't wait to give the fine print of your church until they're already there and serving - that can cause resentment. Just some food for thought. Do what you will with it...
In Christ,
Pastor Andrew Robertson
Saturday, June 27, 2015
What the rainbow REALLY means...
So yes, I am so tired of the rainbow being high-jacked. The real meaning of the rainbow is from Scripture. God created it to show a promise that He would never again destroy the earth by a massive world wide flood like He did in the time of Noah. Instead God talks about a day when heaven and earth will pass away by his design - plagues, famines, earthquakes, and more - just check out the book of Revelation for the details!
THIS is the REAL meaning of the rainbow. I just wanted to clarify that...
Saturday, June 13, 2015
I have a teen!
Okay, as of this week things have gotten weird! As of this week... I have a teenager in my home! AAAAAGGHHH!!! hard to believe! I remember the day he came home, so small, and so needy... well things change and here he is full fledged teen! God has been good, and the oldest of my two is proof of that!
Happy Birthday to my son Seth!
Thankful to God he knows Jesus as his Saviour and Lord!
Celebration time this weekend!
Thursday, June 04, 2015
Once a DJ always a DJ... the MBH Productions years
Thanks to my friend Eric Spath, I now have some photos from my days as a DJ with the Christian company, MBH Productions. What does MBH stand for? Must Be Heard! We would do all-nighters at roller rinks at places like Wheelies is Withby, The Phoenix in Kitchener, and yes, the Palace in Barrie - at least I think it was called the Palace. Anyway, the events started at midnight and went until 6 am! We did these monthy, then we did weddings, parties, proms, and more. We also did seminars on Christian music and why the need for it in our lives compared to secular music.
This was when I lived in Toronto and went to what was called Churchill Heights Baptist Church - now going by the name of Morningstar Christian Fellowship. Eric and I went to the same church there I grew up there, he attended for a number of years. We met and I got trained to DJ, some of those skills I use now at LIFE 100.3 as a DJ. So without further adieu, here are the photos...
Me DJing at Wheelies in Whitby...
At Eric's basement in Scarborough with Matthew Gordon, his girlfriend and her friend...
Hanging out with T-Bone at a concert we sponsored at a place in Windsor...
Me DJing a wedding...
And my favourite memory, DJing a Christian High School's PROM on a cruise boat around Toronto Harbour! What a night! And yes, that's me with LONG hair! I was able to put it into a ponytail then...
So I guess, once a DJ always a DJ. MBH Productions back then to LIFE 100.3 now. Thanks to Eric for the photos, ad the trip down memory lane!
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