Monday, August 31, 2015

Back to school...

Yes, it's that time of year, thinking about back to school, knowing it's happening for my kids and many others in a week's time...

Yes, that yearly tradition to make sure our kids are educated and will hopefully become the nest doctor, lawyer, pastor, teacher, computer tech, trades person, etc. This time of year the kids have mixed reactions - they want to go back to school but it's to see friends, not necessarily for the work. Some are bored so they do want the work. Parents are anxious because they've had their kids for 2 months, and now are giving them back to school. Some parents are first timers sending their kids off to school. Some home school so not a huge transition except a change in routine. All involved have some level of anxiety.

How to cope? Take it to the Lord in prayer. I know sounds like a cliche, but remember what God said in Phillipians 4:6, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

So yes, in times like this the best thing to do is to hit your knees and pray to God for wisdom for yourself and your kids, pray that God would protect them daily and that they would make wise choices. Pray that as a parent your fears would be alleviated, knowing your kids are in God's hands. Pray for the teachers and staff at your kids' school, that if they aren't a believer that they might become one, and that they would instruct in a way that honours God.

Some people see school as free baby sitting for parents. Not so. As one who has been an educator in the system, this is the furthest thing from the truth. It's all in how it is approached. It should be a partnership with the parents, how involved you are as a parent will show up in how your child does at school. As Christian parents we should never just hand the kids over and let life go on. Invest in the school. Be on the school council, write notes to your kids' teachers. And did I mention pray? 

Have a great school year, God bless! It starts Tuesday Sept 8th!

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