Saturday, January 10, 2015

First week in after Christmas Holidays

So the first full week of 2015 is in the books after the Christmas Holidays. Those New Year's Resolutions? How are they going? Still hard at it or have they already been broken? What about me? Well, I want to lose 30 lbs, be more the spiritual man I need to be for our family including doing devotions, worship and prayer time on a consistent basis with them, and ensuring I do my own devotions every day without fail. To find full time work again and have it pay well and last. Not much right? So how's it going first week in for me? Well, lost a little weight, have done devotions with the family almost every night, my own every night, worship time? Well haven't done it yet this week, there's still tonight!

Would LOVE to hear how YOUR resolutions are going so far! Drop me an email at! 

This year will hopefully be an improvement over this last one for me, yes, even us pastors have hard times and need prayer - go figure! Happy New Year and God bless!

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