Monday, January 18, 2021

Walking by faith

Walking By Faith

Recently, my church has been going through the book of Romans, currently, we're focusing on one key theme, faith. Particularly in Romans 4 how Abraham was considered righteous before God because of faith and not actions. It pointed out the fact he was credited with righteousness before being given the sign of circumcision and being called out. Did you see that? His outward actions didn’t make him righteous, but his faith in God did.

In our worship service group, we talked about how we need to walk by faith... How in our daily walk with Jesus we have those mountain top and valley experiences. It dawned on me that while sometimes we tend to downplay the mountain top experiences (because we don’t want to get complacent – which is understandable), we overemphasize the valleys to walk by faith. It occurred to me that God was saying we need those mountain top experiences in our walk to appreciate them... because we have those valleys.

Imagine if we only had the valleys and never a mountain top? Would that inspire us? Of course not. But no matter where we are, in the valley or on the mountain top in our faith, we need to walk by faith that God is leading us!

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