Christmas under attack, Christianity under attack. But is this really new? Not really. Herod tried to wipe out Christ as a baby when he ordered all children 2 and under killed when he learned of a king of the Jews being born.
The interesting facts about these billboards are that they are not from immigrants coming to the country and trying to force their religions on us, it is people born and raised here who have made it their purpose to try and wipe out all religion everywhere - Christianity, Mormonism, Islam, Judaism, etc...
The image they chose for the top one of Jesus on the cross is what we celebrate at Easter, why choose that over say a Nativity image? Harder to say no to a baby in a manger?
The point is as time goes on, we should expect this more as we see the Day approaching, the Day of the Lord. It's amazing how free will really messes things up for us isn't it? God didn't want robots, He chose to give us free will to choose Him freely.
In the end times we are told people will not love God , but 2 Timothy 3:2 tells us that and a whole list of the things people will love instead of God - and it sounds like today doesn't it?
All the darkness we see, the shooting in Connecticut, wars and rumours of wars in other places, disasters, etc... yet in the middle of the darkness there is light - JESUS.John 8:12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
We need to wish people a Merry Christmas, but do it in love. I've heard of stories where Christiansbarkout, "It's NOT Happy Holidays... it's MERRY CHRISTMAS!" with a huge scowl. Yeah, that's showing the love of Christ...
So this Christmas, when we see people attack the real meaning like the billboards above, just remember that things like this must happen before Christ returns. In that we should actually take some comfort in seeing these... it means we're closer to home!
Just some things to think about! God bless!
See you Monday at 9 pm for the last Ask The Pastor before Christmas! It will return Monday January 9th!
Pastor Andrew
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