Sunday, January 20, 2013

On being the rookie DJ at Life 100.3

Okay, so at the beginning of the summer I began doing Saturdays 12 - 7 pm. I had been doing training since about late Feb or early March, but now it got serious! Remembering all the buttons to push... and NOT push. How to switch songs when needed, doing phone calls, and just doing the LIVE show itself! I also fill in where needed now too.

Steve Jones, the Programme Director, has been grooming me for this and works me hard, but I appreciate it and want to make sure I am doing the best I can. Old friends have called in or emailed or Facebooked me about "Hey! I heard you on the radio on Saturday!" And I get the "We've got a Life staff right here with us now!" at church. I'm enjoying the whole thing. I used to DJ at one point for Eric Spath's MBH Productions in Toronto years ago, and doing that was helpful for sure, but it was also different. Doing live radio is an experience unto itself. All I can say is God is faithful to allow me the opportunity to serve this way.

I have been doing Ask The Pastor for 3 1/2 years now for Life - doing radio pastoral ministry - a pastoral role to be sure as I meet with the listeners once a week and answer their questions using my pastoral training and God's help! It really is a radio church that meets weekly! Attendance fluctuates as listeners tune in and out. And now I have this added Saturday gig. All I can say is... I am loving it and God is good!

I still seek what else God has in store for me to fill up my weeks with work (pastoral ministry and/or EA/DECE supply at the school board), and so I seek what it is God has in store for my family and I in the meantime. I think of Job and how he was tested as far as anyone could go - losing all his wealth, health, family, friends who accused him of wrongdoing, and a wife who "lovingly" told him to curse God and die. Now THAT was rough! God sometimes allows things to happen to us for a long time to test our resolve, to see if we trust Him no matter how bad things get. Sometimes I feel this about my current very limited work scenario and how long it has been. I ask, "God is this a test?" I guess He's waiting to see how I'll do... pass or fail.

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